Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Installation of Permanent Patrol

Date : 9th of January 2008

Time : 1430 hours - 1630 hours

Agenda: Installation of Permanent Patrols

Venue : Scout Den

1430 : Boyscouts and seniors prepared for the Installation of Permanent Patrol

1510 : TL Poh asked all the boyscouts to change into their full scout and to clean the premise of the scout den.

1525 : TL fell in the boyscouts and the TPLs gave their report. Later on, TL Poh checked the boyscouts attire and announced the permanent patrol for year 2008. PL Han Ming, PL Sujev Kumar, PL Iqbal Lutfi, PL Daniel Hafiz, PL Ren Pei and PL Khai Hsuen were put in-charge of Eagle, Falcon, Hornbill, Fox, Lion and Tiger Patrol respectively. After TL Poh announced the permanent patrols for the Form 2’s, the PLs marched to the middle and recited the scout promise.

1600 : After the boyscouts established a double-horseshoe, TL Bryn gave some advice about upholding our duty. Then, TL Poh announced that this Saturday’s agenda would be Mini Olympics.

1630 : After TL Poh dismissed us, all Patrols had a short patrol meeting and went home.

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