Saturday, March 29, 2008

Base Games

Date : 16th February 2008

Venue : Scout Den Vicinity, School Area

Agenda : Base Games

0720 hours : Boyscouts started to come.

0745 hours :TL Poh and the PLs thought the boyscouts of the use of every item in the FA kit.

0910 hours :TL Poh fell in the troop. After all PLs gave their patrol reports, all boyscouts were given patrol push-ups. Then, TL Poh briefed us about Base Games and asked us to run three rounds around the school for physical.

0940 hours : PL Sujev Kumar brought water bottles in his bag. All boyscouts changed to their PE attire and started to run around the school.

1010 hours : Base Games started. PL Sujev Kumar led his patrol to their first base which was beside the scout den.We were told to make a fire which is tall enough to cut a string of lashing rope.We later crawled under the railing as our bonus.

1030 hours : Our next base was to throw coins into a bucket.We managed to throw 5 coins into the bucket.

1050 hours : We went to the canteen for our third base and did our bonus first because there was another patrol there.Our bonus was to duck crawl about 1oo metres.The main objective of the base was to put our legs in a bin filled with ice for 5 minutes and pull out coins using only our toes.We were told that we were the fastest patrol.Everybody managed to put their legs in for that certain period of time.

1130hours :We went to the 3K class room for our fourth base.PL Sujev Kumar leaded his boyscout through a maze while the boyscouts were blindfolded.Later,PL Sujev Kumar guided two form 1s to capture a bottle using ropes while the form 1s were blinfolded.

1230 hours : TL Poh called all patrols to go back to the scout den. PL Sujev Kumar called his boyscouts to clean themselves and changed to their full mufty.

1250 hours : TL Poh blew the whistle and fell in the troop. Then, TL announced Hornbill patrol as the 2nd runner-up and Fox patrol was the 1st runner-up. Tiger patrol emerged as winner patrol for Base Game. Then, we sang the troop song and TL Poh dismissed us.

1310 hours : Mandarin oranges were given out to all boyscouts. PL Sujev Kumar congratulated his boyscouts for their hardwork and dismissed them.

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