Sunday, March 30, 2008

Attention to all Falcon Patrol Members

The GTKYC has been postponed to 18th, 19th and 20th of April. There would be a Camp Perdana that involves all the uniform group on 4th, 5th and 6th of April.This Camp Perdana is organized by the school.The fees for the Camp Perdana is RM 40.Make sure you all inform your parents.
Date : 23rd of February 2008
Agenda : Mini Treasure Hunt
Venue : Scout Den Vicinity, School Compound

0730 hours : Boyscouts started to come to Scout Den with their parents. The parents were here to attend Parent’s Meeting.0800 hours : TL Poh told the PLs to change the hall base to behind “Bengkel KH” because there was a function in the hall.

0830 hours : TL Poh fell in the troop and all the boyscouts did 20 push-ups after PLs gave their patrol attendance report. All PLs broke off and ran to the Green Wall. I am the shadow of Lion patrol and PL Ren Pei was incharged of Falcon patrol.

0900 hours : The boyscouts came to the Green Wall after TL Poh announced that“Yellow and Blue” was the master clue.Lion Patrol managed to figure out the shadow for their patrol.I gave them the clue which was "True Blue".QM Dominic answerd the clue at an instant.The place was Form 6 block.

0925 hours :QM Dominic gave his report before I asked them to find the clue. They took a long time to figure out the exact position of the clue.When they found out the clue,they solved it and got "Two but one new" which was the pavillion.Their task in this base was to take picture for the ten items given. The items was Korean coin, casino coin, one million US Dollar, battery, scarf, whipping rope, compass, thermometer, heart shaped stone and a magnet cow.

1130 hours :Later,Lion patrol boyscouts got another clue which was "Download".They solved it and went to the Form 4 block toilet.After going there,they searched for the clue and finally saw it after several minutes.After solving it,they got Hammer and they went to the KH Bengkel.

1210 hours :This base was a riddle base.They are asked to solve a 5x5 box from number 1 to 25 and the sum for each sides should be the same.Since the time was up,we went back and changed to our full mufty.

1230 hours : TL Poh fell in the troop. There was no winner for this agenda. TL Poh dismissed us after we sang the troop song.

1240 hours : I talked to my boyscouts about their performance and dismissed them.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Base Games

Date : 16th February 2008

Venue : Scout Den Vicinity, School Area

Agenda : Base Games

0720 hours : Boyscouts started to come.

0745 hours :TL Poh and the PLs thought the boyscouts of the use of every item in the FA kit.

0910 hours :TL Poh fell in the troop. After all PLs gave their patrol reports, all boyscouts were given patrol push-ups. Then, TL Poh briefed us about Base Games and asked us to run three rounds around the school for physical.

0940 hours : PL Sujev Kumar brought water bottles in his bag. All boyscouts changed to their PE attire and started to run around the school.

1010 hours : Base Games started. PL Sujev Kumar led his patrol to their first base which was beside the scout den.We were told to make a fire which is tall enough to cut a string of lashing rope.We later crawled under the railing as our bonus.

1030 hours : Our next base was to throw coins into a bucket.We managed to throw 5 coins into the bucket.

1050 hours : We went to the canteen for our third base and did our bonus first because there was another patrol there.Our bonus was to duck crawl about 1oo metres.The main objective of the base was to put our legs in a bin filled with ice for 5 minutes and pull out coins using only our toes.We were told that we were the fastest patrol.Everybody managed to put their legs in for that certain period of time.

1130hours :We went to the 3K class room for our fourth base.PL Sujev Kumar leaded his boyscout through a maze while the boyscouts were blindfolded.Later,PL Sujev Kumar guided two form 1s to capture a bottle using ropes while the form 1s were blinfolded.

1230 hours : TL Poh called all patrols to go back to the scout den. PL Sujev Kumar called his boyscouts to clean themselves and changed to their full mufty.

1250 hours : TL Poh blew the whistle and fell in the troop. Then, TL announced Hornbill patrol as the 2nd runner-up and Fox patrol was the 1st runner-up. Tiger patrol emerged as winner patrol for Base Game. Then, we sang the troop song and TL Poh dismissed us.

1310 hours : Mandarin oranges were given out to all boyscouts. PL Sujev Kumar congratulated his boyscouts for their hardwork and dismissed them.

Cooking Competition

Date : 2nd February 2008
Venue : Scout Den Vicinity, Behind Bengkel KH, Seniors Spot
Agenda : Cooking Competition

0720 hours : Boyscouts started to come and got prepared for Cooking Competition.

0820 hours : TL Poh fell in the troop. All PLs gave their patrol report, TL gave patrol push up and checked our attire. TL then briefed us about Cooking Competition.TL Poh broke us off and Cooking Competition started.

0850 hours : PL Sujev Kumar brought the form 1s and form 2s to go behind bengkel and thought them to make a fire.

0900 hours : Rct. Ariff thought the form 1s to maintain the fire. PL Sujev Kumar was helped by by a few form 1s to do his dishes .

0920 hours : PL Sujev Kumar made the Tasty Boneless Chicken and the sausages with the boyscouts help. Rct. ali and Abdul Aziz made the salad.

0950 hours :Rct. Edwin did the tomato soup.

1040 hours : The chicken was cooked again because it was not fully fried and the patrol special which was the lime drink was made.

1130 hours : The inspection started and we presented all our dishes.

1215 hours : TL Poh fell in the troop. Tiger patrol was announced as the first runner-up and Fox patrol was the winner patrol for Cooking Competition. We sang the troop song and TL dismissed us.
1300 hours : PL Sujev Kumar dismissed his boyscout.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Date : 19th January 2008
Time : 0800 hours-1300 hours
Agenda : Scavenger Hunt
Venue : Scout den vincinity, school compound, outside of the school

0730 hours - Boyscouts and seniors started to come and got prepared for the agenda which is Scavenger Hunt.
0810 hours : TL Poh fell in the PLs and gave out the list of items to find for Scavenger Hunt.

0825 hours –TL Poh fell in the troop. After all the PL”s gave their patrol report, each patrol did their attendance push ups. Then troop meeting began with an installation of one new form 1.

0900 hours – The agenda began when TL Poh broke off us. I fell in my boyscouts and gave them the list of items that they need to find in school. The form twos will be taking in charge of the form ones in school.PL Iqbal Lutfi, PL Han Ming and I went out of school to search or buy for the items that we need.

1000 hours - PL Iqbal, PL Han Ming and I went to Petaling Street to buy 5 different types of fruits, five different bars of chocolate. Then, we went to Mcdonalds to get the McD Kids’ Club Card and we also went to Kasturi Tuition Centre to get the form five’s tuition time table. During the journey I bought a sour skittle . While PL Iqbal Lutfi and PL Han Ming proceed to the UO superstore, I went back to school.

1030 hours - I reached school and met with an ex-SPS Nava who adviced to take care of the patrol and he also said he will be coming forGet To You Know Camp(GTKYC). Later on,I went to the Scout Den Vincinity and found out that most of the items that I asked my patrol to do were not completed.I helped my patrol with the reverse version of the troop song.

1200 hours – The inspection started and we presented all our items.

1300 hours – The inspection ended and TL Poh fell in the troop. TL Poh announced the winner of this agenda which is the Lion patrol. Packets of flour were poured at the winner patrol. We sang the troop song before TL Poh dismissed us.

1330 hours – I dismissed my boyscouts and everyone went back.
Attention To All Falcon

This Saturday is the Scavenger Hunt. It requires a lot of skills to find for the list of items around school and Kuala Lumpur. Form 1s and Form 2s will have to find the list of things in school while the Form 3s will search the items around Kuala Lumpur. Each items that we find determine the winner of this agenda.I hope that all the Form 1s and Form 2s can come for this agenda. Please don't forget to bring your P.E. attire.
Troop Meeting And Installation

Date : 16th of January 2008

Time : 1430 hours-1700 hours

Agenda: Troop Meeting & Installation

Venue : Scout Den Vincinity

1430 : After school ended, boyscouts arrived at the Scouts Den vincinity for Troop Meeting.

1500 : TL Poh fell in the boyscouts. After breaking off and forming a double horse-shoe, we started our installation for Form 1's and a few Form 2's. A total of 12 new recruits were installed on that particular day. TL Poh also announced that this Saturday's agenda will be Scavenger Hunt.

1600 : After TL Poh dismissed us, PL's had a short patrol meeting to explain more about the Saturday's agenda and to hand out the permission letters to the boyscouts.

1630 : PL's fell in the boyscouts to remind them about the Saturday's agenda. PL's dismissed the boyscouts.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Form 1's Installation, Mini Olympic

Date: 13th of January 2008

Time: 0700 hours - 1300 hours

Agenda: Form 1's Installation, Mini Olympic

Venue: Scout Den Vicinity, Basketball Court, Field

0700: PL Daniel, PL Chiang, PL Sujev and a few Form 2s waited for the arrival of the Form 1s.

0730: The boyscouts and the Form 1s started to show up. We led them to the Scout Den.

0830: TL Poh and TL Bryn fell in the troop and each PLs gave their report to TL Poh. Later on, TL Poh gave attendance push-up to each patrol before installing the Form 1s.

1030: There were 4 new Form 1s in the Falcon patrol. After all the Form 1s were installed, we played ''futsal'' followed by scout ball. Falcon and Hornbill cheered for Eagle while waiting for their turn to play.

1130: Scout ball game began. Animal patrols versus Bird patrols and the result was 1-1. Then, the boyscouts played against the seniors but had a crushing defeat, failing to score even a goal.

1230: The game ended and the boyscouts changed to their full mufty. TL Poh gave a briefing and I had a short meeting with my boyscouts.

1300: I dismissed my boyscouts.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Installation of Permanent Patrol

Date : 9th of January 2008

Time : 1430 hours - 1630 hours

Agenda: Installation of Permanent Patrols

Venue : Scout Den

1430 : Boyscouts and seniors prepared for the Installation of Permanent Patrol

1510 : TL Poh asked all the boyscouts to change into their full scout and to clean the premise of the scout den.

1525 : TL fell in the boyscouts and the TPLs gave their report. Later on, TL Poh checked the boyscouts attire and announced the permanent patrol for year 2008. PL Han Ming, PL Sujev Kumar, PL Iqbal Lutfi, PL Daniel Hafiz, PL Ren Pei and PL Khai Hsuen were put in-charge of Eagle, Falcon, Hornbill, Fox, Lion and Tiger Patrol respectively. After TL Poh announced the permanent patrols for the Form 2’s, the PLs marched to the middle and recited the scout promise.

1600 : After the boyscouts established a double-horseshoe, TL Bryn gave some advice about upholding our duty. Then, TL Poh announced that this Saturday’s agenda would be Mini Olympics.

1630 : After TL Poh dismissed us, all Patrols had a short patrol meeting and went home.